Dr Lyras, regularly practices plastic surgery in Athens, Greece
(Hellas), >the city where he was born on January 1, 1961<. He
also professionally operates and attends his guests on schedule in
Crete, Cyprus and Albania and on a philanthropic basis in various
locations globally. Dr. Lyras has studied
and practiced medicine in Europe and the Americas. He graduated General
Medicine in 1985 and received his board certifications in
the medical specialty of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery
in 1992 (Brazil) and 1995 (Europe). Dr Lyras received a great part of
knowledge in Plastic Surgery as an assistant to Professor Ivo Pitanguy
at the
Pontifical Catholic University – Carlos Chagas Medical post graduation
Institute of Rio
De Janeiro, Brazil and with other eminent teachers worldwide.

Ivo Pitanguy is one of the most important Plastic Surgeons
in the world and considered one of the leading figures of our century in
Medicine. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine of Brazil and
currently holds seat No 22 at the National Academy of Letters of this country. He
has designed more than 35 new techniques since 1960 and more than 600 medical
doctors from all over the world have visited his clinic over these past 60
years. A great philosopher, Professor Ivo Pitanguy loves harmony and helps
patients from all over the world, resolve their physical problems of appearance
even if they are not able to cover the expenses of complex procedures of
reconstruction of accidents and burns. This nice attitude has been passed over to
his assistants from all over the world.

The ideal of health and beauty which was conceived in ancient Greece,
was an integral part of the way one perceives one self and others. The
perfection found in a statue of Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty or Apollo, the
ancient Greek god of music and healing until this century were left to the hand of nature. Plastic surgery came as an inspiration after many generations of the human kind to prove our respect for the creation of God through it's maintainance. Through this approach we can help the attainence of inner and outer peace of the interested persons..
setting up his practice in Greece,
Dr Lyras has striven to wed the philosophy of Hippocrates, the father of
medicine, with moral ethics and the latest technology. Hippocrates believed that
the body
must be treated as a whole not just a series of parts. He believed in
natural healing process of rest, a good diet, fresh air and cleanness.
In modern Greece a team of extraordinary physicians formed
and directed by dr Lyras after his return from overseas as early as in
1996, performs the pursuit and realization of these goals. Believing actually
in team work, Dr. Lyras assembled an "artistically inspired",
based on "safety first" group of specialists to treat the
patient as a whole. The high quality control of our work is eversince guaranteed by his multiple accreditations, certifications and responsible professional positions..

Today, according to what was sworn by all medical doctors under the original Hippocratic Oath after they graduated from their universities and as believed by
modern era achievers and medical philosophers like Brazilian artist Professor Ivo Pitanguy
Italian healer Professor Umberto Veronesi, the plastic surgeon can actually guide the hand of the nature.

frequent visits to places where plastic surgeons
that had visited him in the past operate now, brings to mind the
between Aristotle and his "Peripatetics" inside his school called the
"Lyceum". Ivo Pitanguy visits most
countries of the world frequently to offer his knowledge whenever he is
to. Pitanguy's last visit to Greece was exactly in 1993 on the occasion
of the
Greek-Brazilian meeting of plastic surgery. Dr Lyras left Rio de Janeiro
with Dr. Ptanguy for Greece in 1993 on the occasion of this historic international scientific event. He brought with him from his
tropical new country a brand new philosophy, composed by a blend
of elements from north and south native american indians and other
traditional cultures, enriched by all the best from today's world

Early upon his return to Greece, Dr Lyras was also involved in
charity and community work. As President during 2003-2006 of the Greek-Brazilian
Cultural Association which is based in Athens he offered financial, medical and
social aid to the members of the Greek-Brazilian society in Greece while
through his intervention as Honorary Consul of Brazil in Piraeus since 2006, offers
legal and administrative help to citizens of both countries and any other
person in need. Another "artist of life"- in music and politics in this case - renowned musician and composer Gilberto Passos Gil Moreira, (a key figure in the Popular
Brazilian music and tropicalia movements of the 1960s, known for both his
musical innovation and political commitment) , inspired Dr Lyras again. They met when Mr Gilberto Gil visited Athens as Minister of Culture of Brazil (2003-2008) and Dr Lyras was then president of the Greek-Brazilian cultural association.

Is it beauty that seduces us the most ? We wonder if
it is. But how can we define the sublime in beauty ? The right question should
be: do we all see it the same way? Inspired and guided by these questions Dr
Lyras created " beautyland" which in his opinion reflects a
journey through the universe of beauty. It also reflects the discovery of its
The way we see it, beautifying,corrective or rejuvenative surgery cannot be
successful if the patient's self esteem, lifestyle and diet do not harmonize
with a surgical undertaking and eventually a perfect understanding with his doctors. Actually, Greek
words as: Morphe = Shape, Symmetria = Symmetry, Omorfia = Beauty, Oreopyisis =
Beautyfication, Neotis = Youth, Ananeosis = Rejuvenation, Anaplasis = Reshape,
Anagenisis = Regeneration, Antigiransis = Antiaging, frondida=care, aggigma=touch, are the tools of Dr. Lyras'
day by day professional activities. Philosophically speaking though, the truth
is that " optimizing divine harmony maintains human health"...
Awards , Honours and
Dr. Ioannis
Lyras is the awardee of the VICTOR SPINA, 1993 official award of the
Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery for his original research on Wound Healing
in the presence of medical foreign bodies (Silicone and Polyurethane Implants).
The award was given to Dr Lyras by the President of the Society, Dr
Liacyr Ribeiro during the official ceremony of the 30th Congress in Curitiba,
In 1998 he was accepted in the Athenian Club (established in 1875) which counts 1000
members of the most active members of the Athenian male society.
In 2002 Dr
Lyras was appointed Consulting editor for Marqui’s contemporary Who is Who,
American Biographical Institute
In 2003 Dr Lyras was announced honorary member of Cidesco (International Committee of
Aesthetics and Cosmetology) – Greek section
In 2004 Dr Ioannis Lyras became an medical assesor for the
courts of Athens & Pireaus, Greece as a specialist in Plastic Surgery. In 2004, together with his European colleagues, he created the Pitanguy European surgical Association in Rome. Italy and was elected vice-President .
In 2005 and 2006 he was elected President of the Pitanguy European surgical Association In 2005 together with his European colleagues, he created the Pitanguy European Academy of plastic surgery in Athens, Greece and was elected President. (In 2007 this academy developed the idea of the Pitanguy European libraries & clinics).
In 2006 Dr. Ioannis Lyras was appointed, as its honorary
consul in Piraeus, Greece
by the authorities of the Federal Republic of Brazil. The authorities of the Hellenic Republic aprooved and accepted this
appoiintment in 2006
In 2006 Dr. Lyras became full member of the C.C.G (Consular
Corps in Greece )
In 2006 Dr.
Ioannis Lyras was one of the annual awardees of the << GUSI PEACE
The Gusi Foundation grants this award to personalities from all over the world
who give their efforts to the promotion of Peace through their scientific or
professional charity work. This year Dr Lyras received this prize for
Greece in the field of Medicine, Plastic Surgery. The award was given to Dr
Lyras by the President of the Republic of Phillippines, Mrs Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo in the Meralco Foundation in Manilla, Phillippines during an official
After 2007 and upto 2012 he continued his involvement with the Gusi Foundation. In 2007-2009 as Chairman for European and Latin American affairs, in 2009-2010 as executive
vice-president and in 2011 as Honorary Vice President of this
In 2008 he was elected member of the Board of Directors (treasurer) of the CCG (Consular Corps in Greece) for 2008-2010.
In 2012 he was elected for a second time (2012-2014) as member of the Board of Directors (treasurer). of the C.C.G. In 2014 he was elected again for a third consecuive term as member of the BoD (2014-2016). Then, in 2016-2017 and 2019-2021, was twice elected Auditor of the Board of Directors of the CCG (Consular Corps in Greece). (In total between 2010 and 2021, 3 terms director and 2 terms auditor)
In 2010 the
President and the Board of Directors of the World Fenderation Of Consuls
(FICAC), decorated Dr. Ioannis Lyras with the FICAC "Metal of Honour"
duaring the second south-east Asia Conference of Consuls, held in Manila, Philippines.
In 2016 and in 2018 Dr Lyras was twice appointed member of the Charity agreements and World Events Commitee of FICAC (the World Federation of Consuls)
Dr Lyras was twice elected in 2016 and 2017 as member of the Board of Directors and also of the counsil of Deontological ethics of the Hellenic Society of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association. HESPRAS.
In 2017, he was honoured by the Brazilian Authirities with the prestigeous official "Friend of the Brazilian Navy" Medal and Award.
Also in 2017 he was elected member of the Board of Directors of the Greek Heath Tourism Association.
In 2018 Dr Lyras was elected member of the Counsil of Deontological ethics of the Athens Medical Association I.S.A.
During his professional career, Dr Lyras constantly participates in medical congresses, seminars, debates and continuing education scientific events and gives speeches and seminars in Europe.
Dr Lyras is currently
- A member of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Fellow of the International College of Surgeons
- Member of the Athens Medical Association
- Corresponding member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic
Surgery SBCP
- Full member of the Hellenic Society of Plastic Surgery HESPRAS
- Member of the International, Reconstructive and Aesthetic
Surgery Association ISAPS
- Full member of AEXPI
- President of the EAPS-ACEIP (www.aceip.net) and the Pitanguy Libraries intl.
- Director of department of Plastic Surgery
of the Henri Dunant General Hospital, Athens.