Ο Δρ. Ι. Λύρας συμμετέχει ξανά στις εργασίες του Προξενικού Σώματος Ελλάδος με την ιδιότητα του Επίτιμου Προξένου της Βραζιλίας, ως μέλος του νεονεκλεγμένου Διοικητικού του Συμβουλίου. 2012-2014.
New Executive Board of the Consular Corps in Greece
President Mrs. Ekaterina Kalogeropoulos Armenakis
Honorary General Consul of Ethiopia
First Vice President Mr. Cristian Font Calderon
Counselor, Embassy of Spain
Second Vice President Mr. Fernando Sandoval Flores
Minister Counselor, Embassy of Mexico Secretary General Mr. Miguel Ricardo Capuano M.
Honorary Consul of Nicaragua
Treasurer Dr. Yiannis Lyras
Honorary Consul of Brazil
Members of the Board
Mohammed El Mahdi ,
Consul, Embassy of Egypt
- Mr. Maurice Gormezano,
Honorary Consul of Monaco
- R. Adm. Stylianos Anastopoulos,
Honorary Consul of the Bahamas
- Mr. Loucas A. Ellinas,
Honorary Consul of the Seychelles
Genoveva Bernard de Roidis, General Consul of the Dominican Republic
- Mr. Michail D. Kokkinis, Honorary Consul of Poland
Alternate Mr. Christos Kontoveros, Honorary Consul
of Chile