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Breast reduction


Many women with very large breasts may suffer from a variety of medical problems as well as physical discomfort. These problems range from back/neck pain and skin irritation to skeletal deformities and even breathing problems. In addition, bra straps may leave shoulder indentations. breast reduction, or reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure that removes skin, fat, and glandular tissue from the breasts. Breast reduction makes the breasts smaller, lighter, and firmer, and can also be performed to reduce areola size.

Breast reduction is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Breast reduction surgery usually requires two to three hours to complete, sometimes longer. As with breast lifts, the incisions and subsequent scar location on the breast are determined by how much tissue needs to be removed to alleviate your symptoms. Many of our patients obtain the best results with a vertical or short scar reduction. With this procedure, incisions are placed around the areola and straight down. In other patients who require more skin and tissue removed, the surgeon makes an anchor-shaped incision around the areola straight down and then in the crease under breast. After the incision is made, fat, glandular tissue, and skin is extracted and the areola and nipple are repositioned. Liposuction is sometimes used during breast reduction surgery to remove any excess fat around the armpit. During most breast reduction surgeries, the nipples will remain attached to the nerves and blood vessels. In cases where a woman’s breasts are extremely large, the areolas and nipples may be removed completely and then repositioned. This will result in loss of nipple sensation as well as loss of sensation in the surrounding tissue. Stitches will be placed along the surgical incisions.

After the breast reduction surgery the operation area will be wrapped in gauze dressings and a surgical bra or a protective elastic bandage. Pain or discomfort after breast reduction surgery is not very common, but if it occurs, it lasts for the first few days to a week. The next day, after breast reduction surgery, the bandages will be removed, though you will continue to wear the surgical bra for several weeks. After a week, any stitches on the outside will be removed, however the majority of sutures are inside and will dissolve over time.

 Random shooting pains may occur for several months after the procedure and you may experience numbness in the nipples and breast skin as a result of swelling. The numbness fades over the next weeks. Most breast reduction patients return to work in about a week  

In our clinic we perform many breast reduction surgeries and achieve exceptional results.